Not only am I about to immediately renege on my suggesting viewing material in the summertime, but I am going to ask people to watch a Fox presentation. On the upside, the video is only a little over 10 minutes long. It also happens to be one of the most disturbing 10 minute periods that I can recall. Please please please have a watch and then, hopefully, come back for some thought sharing.
Now, one of my first thoughts was, "this host sure seems to be calling people (including himself) stupid, selfish and/or lazy a lot". Really though, coming from Fox, this kind of commentary is hardly surprising.
What was far more worrisome was the way in which Steve Brant, who I have this annoying urge to call Stuttering Creepy Android Guy (or SCAG), seemed to be suggesting that next year the UN will be hosting a gathering of some multinational corporations and NGO's. Since these entities claim to be dedicated to Corporate Social Responsibility, we seem to be expected to accept that they will design a system of balance which will lead to an eternal period of prosperity for all life on the planet. It isn't hard to imagine that the UN will be presented as the new world authority providing or coordinating the physical muscle needed to enforce this new system of "balance".
Does anyone else think that this sounds like an awful lot like global technocratic fascism?
4 years ago