Well, one can hope, right?
As always, it could be worse. We could have the flooding and landslides that British Columbia, Russia and parts of Asia have been having, or the record drought that I don`t have to tell folks in the US about.
Other than we farming types, all this rain is just what Alberta has been needing. The water table is replenishing and our marsh lake has never been higher or seemed healthier (although I still know there`s a lot of garbage out there). The pasture and undergrowth around the forested parts of our summer pasture half section have never been more lush. We could be pasturing 200 cattle there, easily, for a couple of months anyway. The less than 15 head there now should fare quite well!
By the way, anyone reading this who might be interested in Grande Prairie grass fed beef, we have 4 steers fattening there now. They should be available late this fall and into winter. I`m hoping to get them sold directly so we can keep this excellent beef out of the mainstream feedlot system.
Now that the shameless self advertisement is done, for the moment, I have been meaning to share some garden pictures for awhile. I took some back in early June but these are from just two days ago. Luckily I got them taken as its a muddy mess now.
Angie, this is the tomato patch. In the background are some chickens that think they`re going to get some greens thrown to them. Turns out they did when I discovered some kind of maggot eating one small patch of turnip roots.
One section of two kinds of beans (the far 3 rows are Pinto, the rest some kind of yellow wax bean that I don`t remember just now). There are a LOT of beans this year. I planted about 5 varieties in order to try some changes from our typical green and yellow beans.
A view of the southwest patch. Some great beets and onions here, but also the turnips that were being eaten. With all this new rain...I might lose a bunch of this to rot. Think Ill start processing the beets tomorrow.
Onions in that same area. They got flattened by a storm a few days ago. Real strong winds had the tomato patch laying over the same way. I love how they can go all crazy when going to seed, like the one in the center right of the picture.
North end of the garden. Some weeds at the bottom, then some lettuces, potatoes, beans, chard, corn, and a thick patch of various pumpkins, squash and cucumbers.
You can see some of the beans better here, and a small row of kohlrabi.
More beans and some wimpy corn. Won`t be much of a corn year again, methinks. There is another struggling patch that is starting to get its tops, but most isn`t much taller than a foot or two.
These Tonda Padana pumpkins seem incredibly prolific. Almost like zucchini. Some fruit is rotting but I bet there are 15 that are already a decent size like this, and many smaller ones. I sure hope they taste good. Gotta find some feeder piglets in case they don`t!
Closer view of the squash and pumpkin patch. One can no longer tell easily where one variety stops and one begins. Don`t think I will be saving any seed this year.
So that`s all for now I guess. I hear it raining again outside...
Peace and comfort.